Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2007
Physics Demystified : A Self-Teaching Guide (Demystified)
Physics Demystified : A Self-Teaching Guide (Demystified)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional ( 2002-08-01 ) | 599 pages | ISBN : 0071382011 | PDF | 61 MB * Unlike most books on the topic, this one utilizes a \"top down\" approach--general concepts are presented first and details follow * For the most user-friendly and clear style possible, formulas and equations are used when necessary, but mathematics does not overwhelm the presentation
Physics Demystified : A Self-Teaching Guide (Demystified)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional ( 2002-08-01 ) | 599 pages | ISBN : 0071382011 | PDF | 61 MB * Unlike most books on the topic, this one utilizes a \"top down\" approach--general concepts are presented first and details follow * For the most user-friendly and clear style possible, formulas and equations are used when necessary, but mathematics does not overwhelm the presentation
[RS] Azumanga Daioh Manga
All the Azumanga Daioh manga in one lovely link :mrgreen:
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Separations and Processes
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Separations and Processes

Publisher American Chemical Society | Pages: 496 | 2003-09-11 | ISBN 0841238367 | PDF | 24 MB This book covers a broad range of topics involving supercritical carbon dioxide from theoretical studies to applications in separations, materials science and reactivity and catalysis.
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Separations and Processes
Publisher American Chemical Society | Pages: 496 | 2003-09-11 | ISBN 0841238367 | PDF | 24 MB This book covers a broad range of topics involving supercritical carbon dioxide from theoretical studies to applications in separations, materials science and reactivity and catalysis.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 For Dummies
18Product Description This latest version of Photoshop has a few new tricks up its sleeve and Adobe Photoshop CS4 For Dummies will teach you how to use them. From the basics like getting your images into and out of Photoshop to enhancing, cropping, and color correction, its all here! Youll get all of the basics of digital images and master the importing and exporting of images. Youll find out how to create easy enhancements like adding shadows and highlights and making color natural, in addition to learning how to use the Adobe camera raw plug-in. Before you know it, youll be making beautiful art with Photoshop by combining images, precision edges, dressing up images, painting in Photoshop, and using filters. You can even streamline your work in Photoshop using advanced techniques. Find out how to: * Import images and use all the tools and processes * Reduce digital noise, make colors look natural, add highlights and shadows * Optimize images for print or the Web * Edit images * Explore the Painting function and master the daunting Brushes panel * Add layer styles * Create on-screen presentations, contact prints, and more Complete with lists of ten reasons to love your Wacom tablet, ten reasons to own a digital camera, and ten favorite tips and tricks, Adobe CS4For Dummies is your one-stop guide to setting up, working with, and making the most of Photoshop CS4 for all your digital photography needs.
Starcraft - The Dark Templar trilogy - complete set
due to certain difficulty, please pst me for rapidshare link thanks
Sports Nutrition Energy Metabolism and Exercise
Exercise by itself tears down the body. To rebuild that body so that it expresses greater strength, endurance, and speed, requires sound nutritional practices based on fact rather than fad. Those practices must also recognize that specific needs vary greatly according to age, gender, and intensity of exercise. Sports Nutrition: Energy Metabolism and Exercise offers a cutting-edge investigation of energy metabolism and exercise in relation to sports nutrition. Edited by the team of Ira Wolinsky and Judy Driskell, who continue to build on their reputation as leading experts on sports-nutrition, and written by researchers qualified for the task, this myth-busting work presents- New findings on essential energy-yielding nutrients New material on the estimation of energy requirements Various chapters examine the active bodys need for energy-yielding carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. The book also considers laboratory methods for determining the energy expenditure of athletes as well as unique assessment methods used to measure activity in the field. In addition, the text considers important physiological aspects of energy metabolism such as body weight regulation, and examines variances necessitated by gender and age. Based on rigorous research, this readable work offers sound advice for all those concerned with the proper nourishment of the active body. Nutritionists, trainers, exercise physiologists, and athletes themselves will find much food for thought on nutrition science, as well as practical guidance in determining the ingredients required to maximize training.
D-Photo - February/March 2010
D-Photo - February/March 2010

D-Photo - February/March 2010 PDF | 85 pages | 29.9 Mb | English D-Photo is New Zealand?s No.1 digital photography magazine helping Kiwis get to grips with their cameras and use them more creatively. By providing quality how-to features, product reviews, and inspirational pictures, the magazine gives its loyal and ever-increasing subscriber base the information and confidence they need to embrace digital camera technology and make photography a part of their everyday lives.
D-Photo - February/March 2010 PDF | 85 pages | 29.9 Mb | English D-Photo is New Zealand?s No.1 digital photography magazine helping Kiwis get to grips with their cameras and use them more creatively. By providing quality how-to features, product reviews, and inspirational pictures, the magazine gives its loyal and ever-increasing subscriber base the information and confidence they need to embrace digital camera technology and make photography a part of their everyday lives.
Sexual Psychic Seduction - Definitive Techniques - Rare
red18Sexual Psychic Seduction
greenProduct Description Sexually attract beautiful women using the unlimited power of your own mind! Learn how to reach out and touch someone the psychic way. These easy to understand, simple techniques can be used on anyone at anytime and anywhere! Have gorgeous girls knocking on your door for dates and a whole lot more! Look for these other best selling titles: \"How to Become a Porn Director: Making Amateur Adult Films\", \"Asian Dreams\" \"Dating for the Shy\" and \"Latin Lust\".
# Paperback: 84 pages # Publisher: Thompson Publishing (June 9, 2003) # Language: English # ISBN-10: 0976386224 # ISBN-13: 978-0976386223
[RS] HUGE Seduction, Dating, and Pickup Artist PUA Thread
First post will be used for index once I upload more stuff... I have over 50GB of stuff. About 40GB is movies, 8GB of audio and 3GB of JUST BOOKS! red
Let me know what you want!! I probably have it...
As of January 26: 3274MB / 53201MB Uploaded
Let me know what you want!! I probably have it...
As of January 26: 3274MB / 53201MB Uploaded
Nikola Tesla My Inventions
Plot: Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia (then part of Austria-Hungary) on July 9, 1856, and died January 7, 1943. He was the electrical engineer who invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor, which made the universal transmission and distribution of electricity possible. Tesla began his studies in physics and mathematics at Graz Polytechnic, and then took philosophy at the University of Prague. He worked as an electrical engineer in Budapest, Hungary, and subsequently in France and Germany. In 1888 his discovery that a magnetic field could be made to rotate if two coils at right angles are supplied with AC current 90 out of phase made possible the invention of the AC induction motor. The major advantage of this motor being its brush less operation, which many at the time believed impossible. Tesla moved to the United States in 1884, where he worked for Thomas Edison who quickly became a rival Edison being an advocate of the inferior DC power transmission system. During this time, Tesla was commissioned with the design of the AC generators installed at Niagara Falls. George Westinghouse purchased the patents to his induction motor, and made it the basis of the Westinghouse power system which still underlies the modern electrical power industry today. He also did notable research on high-voltage electricity and wireless communication; at one point creating an earthquake which shook the ground for several miles around his New York laboratory. He also devised a system which anticipated worldwide wireless communications, fax machines, radar, radio- guided missiles and aircraft. Nikola Tesla is the true unsung prophet of the electronic age; without whom our radio, auto ignition, telephone, alternating current power generation and transmission, radio and television would all have been impossible. Yet his life and times have vanished largely from public access. This autobiography is released to remedy this situation.
[] All Physics Books Categorized - Update RS Links
All Physics Books Categorized ENG | 5.22 GB | PDF
All around : A College Text-Book Of Physics - Kimball A Guide to Physics Problems Part 1 - Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics - Cahn S., Nadgorny B. A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics -S.Cahn, B.Nadgorny Applications of Classical Physics - Blandford R.D., Thorne K.S. CRC Press - Dictionary of Pure and Applied Physics - D. Basu Essential Physics 1 - F. Firk How To Solve Physics Problems - R. Oman, D. Oman Motion Mountain - The Adventure of Physics - C. Schiller Physical Science Concepts - Mason, Griffen, Merrill, Thorne Physics 2000 and Calculus 2000 - huggins Physics Demystified - S. Gibilisco Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6th ed. (College Text) - Serway and Jewett Physics Formulary - J. Wevers Principles of Modern Physics - N. Ashby, S. Miller Schaums Easy Outlines - College Physics Crash Course - F. Bueche, E. Hecht Schaums Outline of Applied Physics - Arthur Beiser Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics - N. Schlager Study Materials for MIT Course - Electricity and Magnetism
Astrophysics : Astronomy : Astronomy - Principles and Practice 4th ed. - A. Roy, D. Clarke High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy - F. Halzen Idiots Guide to Astronomy 2nd ed. - C. dePree, A. Axelrod Minding the Heavens - The Story of Our Discovery of the Milky Way - L. belkora Philips Atlas of the Universe, revised edition Phillips Astronomy Encyclopedia, revised TextBook on Spherical Astronomy 6th ed. - W. Smart, R. Greene
Black Hole : An Introduction To Black Holes Information And The String Theory - Susskind, Lindesay Black Holes - Don Nardo The Galactic Black Hole Lectures on General Relativity and Astrophysics - Falcke, hehl
Celestial Mechanics : The Foundations of Celestial Mechanics - G. W. Collins
Cosmology : An Introduction to cosmology, 3rd Ed - Roos An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology 2nd ed. - J. Islam An Introduction To Modern Cosmology 2d ed - Liddle An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology - D. Raine, E. Thomas Astrophysics & Cosmology - J. Garcia Bellido Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure - A. Liddle, D. Lyth Cosmology. The origin and evolution of cosmic structure - Coles P., Lucchin F. General Relativity and Cosmology for Undergraduates - J. Norbury Modern cosmology - S. Bonometto Neutrinos in Cosmology - A. Dolgov Origins - The Quest for our Cosmic Roots - T Yulsman Particle Astrophysics- D.Perkins Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology - Linde Principles of cosmology and gravitation - Berry M. Quantum Cosmology And Baby Universes - Weinberg, Piran Relativity, Space-Time And Cosmology - Wudka Relativity, thermodynamics, and cosmology - Tolman R.C. The First Three Minutes - a modern view of the origin of the universe - S. Weinberg The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System - Woolfson The Physics Of The Early Universe - Papantonopoulos Weak Gravitational Lensing - M. Bartelmann, P. Schneider
General Astrophysics : Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics - Nature Publishing Handbook Of Space Astronomy And Astrophysics 2d ed- Zombeck Introduction to Space Physics - M. Kivelson, C. Russell Planetary Science - The science of planets around stars - G. Cole, M. Woolfson Turbulence and magnetic fields in astrophysics - Falgarone, Passot
Radio Astronomy : Radio Basics of Radio Astronomy for the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope
Stellar Astrophysics : The Fundamentals Of Stellar Astrophysics - Collins G. W. The Virial Theorem in Stellar Astrophysics - G. W. Collins
Benjamin Crowell : Conceptual Physics Conservation Laws Discover Physics Electricity and Magnetism Newtonian Physics Optics Simple Nature The Modern Revolution in Physics Vibrations and Waves
ElectroMagnetism : A treatise on electricity and magnetism, Vol I, J C Maxwell A treatise on electricity and magnetism, Vol II, J C Maxwell Atmospheric Electrostatics - Wahlin L. Classical Electromagnetism - Fitzpatrick Electro-Optics Handbook 2e - Waynant, Ediger Electromagnetic Fields And Waves - lorrain and corson Electromagnetics - E. Rothwell, M. Cloud Fiber Bragg Gratings - R. Kashyap Introductory Electromagnetics - H. Nef Introductory Electromagnetics - Z. Popovic, B. Popovic Magnetism Molecules to Materials IV - Joel S. Miller , Marc Drillon Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - K. Buschow, F. de Boer Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves - Theories and Applications , Tsang , ding , kong Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Applications - Artech Teach Yourself Electricity And Electronics 3Rd - Gibilisco The Art of Electronics - Horowitz & Hill The finite difference time domain method for electromagnetism - Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J.
Electrodynamics : Classical Electrodynamics - W. Greiner Classical Electrodynamics 3rd ed. - J.D. Jackson Classical Electrodynamics by J.D. Jacksom (Answers to sel. problems) Classical Electrodynamics for Undergraduates - H. Norbury Companion to J.D. Jacksons Classical Electrodynamics 3rd ed. - R. Magyar Computational Electrodynamics The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method 2d ed- A. Taflove. Electrodynamics and classical theory of fields and particles - Barut A.O. Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 2nd ed. - L. Landau, E. Lifshitz Electrodynamics of solids Microwave superconductivity - Zhou Electromagnetic Field Theory - Bo Thide Introduction to Electrodynamics - D. Griffiths
Experimental Physics : Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics - White , Meeson
Antenna Theory : Antenna Theory and Design - Stutzman , thiele Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design - Josefsson, Persson Electromagnetic Waves & Antennas S. J. Orfanidis Microwave Antenna Theory And Design - silver
Nanotechnology : Introduction To Nanotechnology - Poole , Owens Nanophysics and Nanotechnology - E. Wolf Springer Handbook of NanoTechnology - B. Bhushan
Feynman Lectures on Physics : Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 1,2,3 - Feynman, Leighton and Sands
Fluid Mechanics : A Course in Fluid Mechanics with Vector Field Theory - D. Prieve A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd ed. - J. Chorin, J. Marsden Computational Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer - Anderson Low-Gravity Fluid Mechanics - Myshkis A.D Fluid Mechanics - L D Landau, E M Lifschitz Fluid Mechanics - Problem Solver - WILLIAMS Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed. - P. Kundu, I. Cohen Fluid Mechanics 4th ed - F. White Fluid mechanics and the environment dynamical approaches - Lumley J.L. Foundations of Fluid Mechanics - G. Gallavotti Fundamentals Of The Finite Element Method For Heat And Fluid Flow - Lewis, Nithiarasu,Seetharamu Intermediate Fluid Mechanics [ME563 Course Notes Introduction fo Fluid Mechanics - Y. Nakayama Introduction to Hydrodynamic Stability - Drazin Mathematical Theory Of Viscous Incompressible Flow - Ladyzhenskaya Perturbation Methods In Fluid Mechanics - Van Dyke Practical Fluid Mechanics For Engineering Applications - Bloomer Prandtls Essentials of Fluid Mechanics - Herbert Oertel Vectors, Tensors, And The Basic Equations Of Fluid Mechanics - Aris R Viscous Fluid Flow - Papanastasiou,Georgiou
Fluid dynamics : An introduction to fluid dynamics - G.K. Batchelor Computational Fluid Dynamics - T. Chung Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 3rd ed. - J. Ferziger, M. Peric Dynamics of polymeric liquids, vol 1 Fluid mechanics - Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. Fluid Dynamics for Physicists - Faber, T.E. Fundamentals Of Computational Fluid Dynamics - Lomax, Pulliam Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, 2e - R. Zucker, O. Biblarz Gas Dynamics - Becker The finite element method. Fluid dynamics - Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L. The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Fifth Edition - Poling, Prausnitz, OConnell
Fun : Black Holes Wormholes and Time Machines - Jim Al-Khalili Great Physicists - From Galileo to Hawking - W. Cropper Mad About Modern Physics - F. Potter, C. Jargodzki Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy I The Motion of Bodies - I. Newton Perfect Symmetry - The Search for the Beginning of Time - H. Pagels The Fabric of the Cosmos - B. Greene The Tao of Physics - F. Capra
Geophysics : AGU Ref Shelf 1 - Global Earth Physics A Handbook of Physical Constants - T. Ahrens AGU Ref Shelf 2 - Mineral Physics and Crystallography - T. Ahrens AGU Ref Shelf 3 - Rock Physics and Phase Relations - T. Ahrens Dictionary of geophysics, astrophysics, and astronomy - Dipak Basu Field Geophysics - John Milsom Image Estimation by Example - Geophysical Sounding - J. Claerbout Mineral Physics And Crystallography, Handbook Of Physical Constants - Ahrens Theory of the Earth - D. Anderson
Mechanic : Analytical mechanics - Hand, Finch Chaos Theory Tamed - Garnett P. Williams Classical and quantum mechanics of the damped harmonic oscillator - Dekker H. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems - Marion, Thornton Classical Mechanics - 3rd ed. - Goldstein, Poole & Safko Classical Mechanics - Point Particles And Relativity - W. Greiner Classical Mechanics - Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics - W. Greiner Classical Mechanics - Tatum Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics - J. Norbury Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics SOLUTIONS MANUAL - J. Norbury Gravitation - an Introduction to Current Research - L. Witten Gravitation and Gauge Symmetries - M. Blagojevic Hamiltonian Dynamics - Theory and Applications - Cachan, paris Intro to Statics and Dynamics - A. Ruina, R. Pratap Introduction to Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. - Atam P. Arya Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3rd ed. - W. Lai, D. Rubin, E. Krempl Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics - BRIZARD, A. J. Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry- J. Marsden, T. Ratiu Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics - M. G. Calkin Lagrangian Mechanics, Dynamics & Control-Andrew - D. Lewis Mechanics 3rd ed. - L. Landau, E. Lifshitz Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics For Finite Element Analysis - Bonet, Wood Structure And Interpretation Of Classical Mechanics - G. Sussman, J. Wisdom
Elasticity : An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Applications to Elasticity - Ciarlet Continuum Mechanics and Elements of Elasticity Structural Mechanics - Victor E.Saouma Elasticity Theory, applications, and numerics - M.Sadd Theory of Elasticity - TIMOSHENKO
Statistical Mechanics : Elementary principles of statistical mechanics - Gibbs, J.W. Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics - Balescu Foundations of statistical mechanics - Penrose O. Fundamentals of statistical mechanics - Bloch F. Introduction to Chaos in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics - Dorfman J.R. Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics - D. Chandler Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics - Kubo R., Toda M., Hashitsume N. STATISTICAL MECHANICS - Gallavotti Statistical Mechanics - Pathria, R K Statistical Mechanics 2nd Ed. - K. Huang Statistical Mechanics Fundamentals And Model Solutions - Dorlas Statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium liquids - Evans Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics - Greiner, Neise, Stoecker
Modern Physics : Computational Physics : Computational Fluid Dynamics - Principles and Applications - J. Blazek Computational Physics - M. Jensen Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics - Enns Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics - H. Lomax, T. Pulliam, D. Zingg
General Relativity Theory : ABC Of Relativity 4th. revised ed. - B. Russell Advanced General Relativity - J. Stewart General Relativity - R. Wald General relativity and relativistic astrophysics - Straumann N. General Theory Of Relativity - Dirac, P A M Gravitation - Misner, Thorne, Wheeler Gravitation and cosmology principles and applications of the general theory of relativity - Weinberg S. Intro to Differential Geometry and General Relativity - S. Waner Introduction To General Relativity - G. T.Hooft Introduction to Tensor Calculus for General relativity - MIT lecture notes General Relativity - S. Carroll Semi-Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity - S. Sternberg The Special and General Theory of Relativity - A. Einstein
Lasers : Fundamentals of Light Sources and Lasers - Mark Csele HandBook of Lasers - webber LASER LIGHT DYNAMICS vol 2 - HAKEN Principles of Lasers and Optics - W. Chang Quantum well lasers - Zory P.S. Semiconductor-Laser Fundamentals - Chow W W , Koch S W Solid-State Lasers - A Graduate Text - W.Koechner, M.Bass Tunable Lasers Handbook - F. Duarte
Mathematical Physics : A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics - Groups, Hilbert Spaces and Diff. Geom. - P. Szekeres A Guided Tour of Mathematical Physics - Roel Snieder Applied Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics - Masujima M. Bayes, Boltzmann and Bohm - Probabilities in Physics - J. Bricmont Calculus Of Variations With Applications To Physics & Engineering - R. Weinstock Chaos - Classical and Quantum - P. Civitanovic Chaos and Structures in Geophysics and Astrophysics - Provenzale & Balmforth Determinants and their applications in mathematical physics - Vein R., Dale P. Differential Geometry - Analysis and Physics - J. Lee Entropy and partial differential equations - Evans L.C. Equations of Mathematical Physics - Bitsadze A.V. From calculus to chaos - Acheson Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis - G. Collins Geometric Algebra and its Application to Mathematical Physics - C. Doran Geometry, Topology and Physics - M.Nakahara HIGH-ORDER ACCURATE METHODS FOR MAXWELL EQUATIONS - Kashdan Homological Methods in Equations of Mathematical Physics-J.Krasilschchik Iintroduction to Groups, Invariants and Particles - F. Kirk Math methods in physics and engineering with Mathematica - F. Cap Mathematical Methods for Physicists - a Concise Introduction - T. Chow Mathematical methods for physics and engineering - Riley, Hobson Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. - V.I. Arnold Mathematical Models in Isotope Hydrogeology - Iaea Mathematical Tools for Physics - J. Nearing Mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics - Landsman N.P. Methods for Solving Inverse Problems in Mathematical Physics - Prilepko, Orlovskiy Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics Vol 1 - Functional Analysis 2nd. ed. - M. Reed Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics Vol 2 - Fourier Analysis, Self Adjointness - 2nd ed., - M. Reed Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics Vol 3 - Scattering Theory - M. Reed Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics Vol 4 - Analysis of Operators - M. Reed Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists 2nd ed., - C. Isham Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers - R. Ennis, G. McGuire Numerical Quantum Dynamics - W. Schweizer Path integrals and their applications in quantum, statistical, and solid state physics - Papadopoulos , J. T. Devreese Path Integrals in Physics Volume 1 Stochastic Process & Quantum Mechanics - M. Chaichian, A. Demichev Path integrals in physics, vol.2. QFT, statistical physics and modern applications - Chaichian M., Demichev A. Probability Statistical Opticts and Data Testing - Verlag Quantum Geometry - A Statistical Field Theory Approach - Ambje, Durhuus B., Jonsson T Singularities of solutions to equations of mathematical physics - Mazija, Kozlov. Spacetime Calculus - with applications - D. Hestenes String Theory And Noncommutative Geometry - Nathan Seiberg And Edward Witten Supersymmetric methods in quantum and statistical physics - Junker G. The Fourier Transform And Its Applications - Bracewell The Mathematical Beauty of Physics - World Scientific - Topics in Mathematical Physics - Victor Palamodov Topology & Geometry in Physics - Steffen Topology and Geometry for Physicists - C. Nash, S. Sen Twistor Geometry, Supersymmetric Field Theories in Supertring Theory - C. Samann
Others : High-field electrodynamics - Hartemann Quantum Magnetism - Richter, Bishop
Particle Physics : Advanced Course in Modern Nuclear Physics - J. Arias, M. Lozano Advances in Nuclear Physics v. 23 - Negele J.W., Vogt E. An Introduction to nuclear physics - Greenwood, Cottingham Angular Momentum Techniques in Quantum Mechanics - Devanathan V. Building Blocks of Matter A Supplement to the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics - John S. Rigden Charged Particle Beams - S. Humphries Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics - From Nuclear Structure to Cosmology - Basdevant, Rich, Spiro Handbook of Particle Physics - J. Sundaresan Introduction to Elementary Particles - D. Griffiths Kinematical Theory of Spinning Particles - Classical and Quantum - M. Rivas Particles and Quantum Fields - H. Klienert Physics of Particles Matter and the Universe - Blin-Stoyle Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration - S. Humphries Problems And Solutions On Atomic, Nuclear, And Particle Physics - Kuo Lim Quarks and Leptons An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics - F.Halzem,A.Martin Quarks Leptons and the Big Bang 2nd Ed. - J. Allday Study Materials for MIT Course [22.101 - Applied Nuclear Physics Superspace - 1001 lessons in Supersymmetry - S. Gates, et al Supersymmetry and Cosmology - J. Feng The Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Handbook The Universe in a Helium Droplet - G. Volovik
Quantum electrodynamics : Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics - C. Cohen-Tannoudji QED,The Strange Theory of Light and Matter - R. Feynman Quantum Electrodynamics - 3rd ed., - W. Greiner, J. Reinhardt
Quantum Field Theory : An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory - Peskin and Schroeder Concepts in Theoretical Physics - B. Simons Conformal Field Theory - P. DiFrancesco, P. Mathieu, D. Senechal Field Quantization - W. Greiner, J. Reinhardt Fields - W. Siegel Gauge theories in particle physics, 3rd. ed. vol 1From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to Qed - I. Aitichison Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory - Baez, Segal, Zhou Introduction To Quantum Field Theory In Condensed Matter Physics - Flensberg,Bruus Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field Theory - H. vanHees New Developments in Quantum Field Theory - P. Damagaard, J. Jurkiewicz Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory and the Structure of Matter - T. Borne, G. Lochak, H. Stumpf QFT and Topology - Schwarz Quantum Chromodynamics 2nd ed - W. Greiner, S. Schramm, E. Stein Quantum Field Theoretical Methods in Statistical Physics 2nd ed. - Abrikosov, Gorkov, Dzyaloshinskii Quantum Field Theory - J. Norbury Quantum Field Theory - L. Brown Quantum Field Theory - R. Clarkson, D. McKeon Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell - A. Zee Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime - B. DeWitt Quantum Field Theory Proceedings of the RingbergWorkshop - Breitenlohner , Maison The Dirac Equation - B. Thaller The quantum field theory of electric and magnetic charge - Blagojevic, Sejanovic. The Quantum Theory Of Fields Vol 1 Foundations - S. Weinberg The Quantum Theory of Fields Vol 2 - Modern applications - S. Weinberg The Quantum Theory of Fields vol 3 - Supersymmetry - S. Weinberg
Quantum gravity : Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity - J. Baez, J. Muniain Gravitation And Gauge Fields Supergravity String Theory - Milutin Blagojevic Loops,Kknots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity - R. Gambini, J. Pullin Quantum Gravity - C. Rovelli Quantum Gravity, Generalized Theory of Gravitation, and Superstring Theory-based Unification - Mintz,Perlmutter Towards Quantum Gravity - Kowalski-Glikman
Quantum Mechanics : an elementary approach to the quantum theory of scattering by a potential Bibliographic Guide to Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - A. Cabello Canonical Structures in potential Theory - S.S. Vinogradov, P. D. Smith, E.D. Vinogradova Cavity quantum electrodynamics the strange theory of light in a box - Dutra S. Classical and Quantum Mechanics of the Damped Harmonic Oscillator - Dekker Course of Theoretical Physics - Vol 3 Quantum Mechanics - nonrelativistic theory 3rd ed.- L. Landau, E. Lifshitz Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics for Solid State Electronics, Optics - C. Tang Introduction to Optical Waveguide Analysis Solving Maxwells Equation and the Schrdinger Equation - Kenji Kawano, Tsutomu Kitoh Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - A. Phillips Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - D. Griffiths Irreversibilities in Quantum Mechanics - B. Fain Lecture Notes on C-algebras and Quantum Mechanics [jnl article - N. Lamdsman Localising Relational Degrees of Freedom in Quantum Mechanics [thesis - H. cable Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics - G. Teschl Matrix Quantum Mechanics and 2-D String Theory [thesis - S. Alexandrov Modern Quantum Mechanics and solutions for the exercices - J. Sakurai Molecular Quantum Mechanics 4th ed - P Atkins, R. Friedman Notes on Quantum Mechanics - K. Schulten Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol 1 - 2ed - Bratelli Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics Vol 2 - 2ed - Bratelli Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed. - R. Shankar Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics [thesis - C. Timpson Quantum Mechanics - A Conceptual Approach - H. Hameka Quantum Mechanics - A Modern Development - L. Ballentine Quantum Mechanics - an Introduction, 4th ed. - W. Greiner Quantum Mechanics - Concepts and Applications - T. Biswas Quantum Mechanics - J. Norbury Quantum Mechanics - L. Schiff Quantum Mechanics - Modern Mevelopment 4ed - A. Rae Quantum Mechanics - Symmetries 2nd ed. - W. Greiner, B. Muller Quantum Mechanics - Vol 1 - Cohen-Tannoudji Quantum Mechanics - Vol 2 - Cohen-Tannoudji Quantum Mechanics And Path Integrals - R. Feynman, A. Hibbs Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert Space - E. Prugovecki Quantum statistical mechanics - Kadanoff, L.P., Baym, G. Quantum theory of scattering processes - Farina J.E.G. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Wave Equations, 3rd ed. - W. Greiner Scattering Theory The Quantum Theory of Nonrelativistic Collisions - John R. Taylor Schaums Outline of theory and problems of Quantum Mechanics - Peleg, Pinni and Zaarur Solutions to Problems in Sakurais Quantum Mechanics - P. Saltsidis, B. Brinne Solutions to Sakurais Probls. in Quantum Mechanics - B. Brinne Some Novel Thought Experiments - Foundations of Quantum Mechanics [thesis - O. Akhavan Speakable And Unspeakable In Quantum Mechanics - J. Bell Supersymmetry in Quantum and Classical Mechanics - B.K.Bagchi The grand unified theory of quantum classical mechanics - Mills R.L. The Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations Self-Focusing and Wave Collapse - Catherine Sulem , Pierre-Louis Sulem The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics - H. Weyl Topics in advanced quantum mechanics - C. Callan Visual Quantum Mechanics - B. Thaller
Quantum Optics : Mathematical Methods of Quantum Optics - R.R. Puri Mesoscopic quantum optics - Yamamoto Y., Imamoglu A. Quantum Optics - D. Walls, G. Milburn Topics in Modern Quantum Optics - B. Skagerstam
Quantum theory : Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory - J. Ziman Introduction To Quantum Theory And Atomic Structure - P. A. Cox Quantum Physics - A Text for Graduate Students R. Newton Quantum Physics - S. Gasiorowicz Quantum Theory - Concepts & Methods - A. Peres
Spectroscopy : Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy - Peter Hannaford Fourier Transforms In Spectroscopy - Kauppinen J Handbook Of Spectroscopy - G. Gauglitz , T. Vo-Dinh Impedance Spectroscopy, Theory Experiment and Applications - Macdonald Ir And Raman Spectroscopy - Wartewig The Raman Effect A Unified Treatment of the Theory of Raman Scattering by Molecules - Derek A. Long
String Theory : A First Course in String Theory - B.Zwiebach Intro to String Theory - G. terHooft Introduction to String Field Theory - W. Siegel Introduction to Superstring Theory - E. Kiritsis Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity - O. Aharony, S.S. Gubser, J. Maldacena, H. Ooguri, Y. Oz String Theory vol 1 - J. Polchinski String Theory vol 2 - J. Polchinski Strings Branes and Superstring Theory - S. Forste The Elegant Universe - Brian Green The Mathematical Theory Of Cosmic Strings - M. Anderson What Is String Theory - J. Polchinski
Theoretical Physics : A New Kind Of Science - S. Wolfram Aethro-kinematics - Steven Rado Algebraic Singularities, Finite Graphs and D-Brane Theories - Y. He Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences with Mathematica Support - P. Gregory Decoherence and entropy in complex systems - Elze H.-T. Electronic Structure and Magneto-Optical Properties of Solids - V. Antonov, B. Harmon, A. Yaresko Elements For Physics - Quantities, Qualities and Intrinsic Theories - A. Tarantola GRAVITY GAUGE THEORIES AND GEOMETRIC ALGEBRA - Chris Doran Henri Poincare and Relativity Theory - LOGUNOV, A. A. Lectures in Theoretical Biophysics - Schulten Optimization Algorithms In Physics - A. Hartmann, H. Rieger Quantum Versus Chaos - questions from mesoscopy - K. Nakamura The Road to Reality - A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe - Penrose, Roger The Third Branch of Physics, Eassys in Scientific Computing - Norbert Schaorghofer Vorticity and incompressible flow - Majda, Bertozzi.
Optics : Geometrical Optics - Goodman Handbook of Optics second edition vol. 2 - Bass M Handbook of optics second edition Vol 1 - - Bass M Handbook Of Optics Second Edition Vol.3 - Bass M Introduction to Fourier Optics 2nd - J. Goodman Modern Optics - Guenther R D Optical Metrology 3rd ed - Kjell Opticks - I. Newton Optics and optical instruments - Johnson Optics Handbook Of Optical Materials - webber Principles of applied optics - Banerjee P.P., Poon T.-C Principles Of Nonlinear Optics - Y. R. Shen Principles of Optics - M.Born, E. Wolf Quantum Statistics in Optics and Solid-state Physics - Graham, Haake Semiconductor Optics - Klingshirn Statistical Optics - Goodman The Visualization Handbook -Charles D. Hansen , Chris R. Johnson Theoretical Optics, an introduction - H. Remer Useful Optics - W. Welford
State of Matter : Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases - Pethick C.J., Smith H. Concepts of theoretical solid state physics - Altland, Simons Electrodynamics Of Solids - Dressel, Gruner Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductor Structures - singh Elementary Condensed Matter Physics - Neto Fundamentals Of Plasma Physics - Paul M. Bellan Introduction To Modern Solid State Physics - Y. Galperin introduction to plasma physics graduate level course - Fitzpatrick Introduction to Solid State Physics 7th edition- Kittel, Charles Many-Particle Physics 2d ed - Mahan G D Particle And Nuclear Physics - Niels Walet Quantum statistical theory of superconductivity - Fujita S., Godoy S. Semiconductor Physics And Devices 3rd ed. - J. Neamen Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology An Introduction for Engineers -Korvink J. G., Greiner A. Solid State Physics - Ashcroft, Neil W, Mermin, David N Solid state physics problems and solutions - Mihaly L., Martin M.C. The Fourth State Of Matter An Introduction To Plasma Science - eliezer The Structure Of Matter - Mulders Theory of Dislocations 2nd ed., - J. Hirth, J. Lothe Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter Vol 1 - H. Kleinert Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter Vol 2 - H. Kleinert
Statistical physics : A Modern Course in Statistical Physics - Reichl An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Physics - D. Lemons Quantum Field Theoretical Methods in Statistical Physics - Abrikosov, A.A Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics - J. Cardy Statistical physics - Isihara A. Statistical Physics - Statics, Dynamics and Renormalization - L. Kadanoff Statistical Physics And Spatial Statistics - Mecke K , Stoyan D Statistical physics of spin glasses and information processing an introduction - Nishimori H. Statistical Physics part 1 3rd ed. - L. Landau, E. Lifshitz Statistical physics part 2 2nd ed. - L. Landau, E. Lifshitz Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
Thermodynamics : DOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK - THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT TRANSFER, AND FLUID FLOW - Volume 1 of 3 DOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK - THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT TRANSFER, AND FLUID FLOW - Volume 2 of 3 DOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK - THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT TRANSFER, AND FLUID FLOW - Volume 3 of 3 Dynamical Theory Of Brownian Motion - E. Nelson Entropy and its Physical Meaning - J. S. Dugdale Fundamentals of Statistical And Thermal Physics - F. Reif Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Solids - Ericksen JL. Introduction to Thermodynamics with Applications Schaums Outline of Heat Transfer - D. Pitts, L. Sissom Thermal and Statistical Physics - H. Gould, J. Tobochnik Thermal physics - Kittel Thermodynamics - E. Fermi Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 5th Edition - Gengel, Boles Thermodynamics an introductory treatise - Bryan G.H. Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics 2ed - H. Callen Thermodynamics and Introductory Statistical Mechanics - Linder B. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics - W. Greiner, L. Niese, H. Stocker Thermodynamics of Systems Containing Flexible-Chain Polymers - V.J. Klenin Thermodynamics- An Advanced Treatment for Chemists and Physicists - E. Guggenheim
Wave Motion : A mathematical approach to the common types of wave motion 2.Ed - C. A. Coulson Acoustics - L. Beranek
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War Of Kings COMPLETE [RS] (2008-2009) Marvel Comics
18War Of Kings
\"War of Kings\" is an ongoing comic book crossover published by Marvel Comics. Taking place in Marvels main shared universe, the Marvel Universe, the series will be written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. The first issue of the limited series was released in March 2009. The story will revolve around the a war between the Shiar - led by Vulcan and his Imperial Guard - fighting the Inhumans and the Kree - after Black Bolt and his family overthrew their empire - assisted by the new Starjammers, who have fought Vulcan and the Shiar for some time now. The Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova and the new Nova Corps will be involved, attempting to stop the current galactic problem. Darkhawk will be involved also, but in more of a covert ops role unknown at this time. The tag line up till now is \"When kings collide, the galaxy will tremble\". The event started in December 2008 with the lead-in mini-series X-Men: Kingbreaker, which revolves around Vulcan and the Starjammers following the conclusion of the mini-series Emperor Vulcan, and the Guardians of the Galaxy, which revolves around the conclusion of their Secret Invasion tie-in, stating that Blastaar has become the new King of the Negative Zone. As well as crossing over into the DnA penned Guardians of the Galaxy, the story will also appear in the new Nova series they are writing. C. B. Cebulski will write the other War of the Kings-specific series focusing on Darkhawk. There will also be a series on Marvel Digital Comics which tie-in to the storyline, starting with War of the Kings: Warriors by Christos Gage, with different stories focusing on Gladiator, Blastaar, Lilandra and Crystal. During November, the Inhumanss story in War of Kings will be planted at the end of their Secret Invasion tie-in. A complete War of Kings checklist for March through to August was released, alongside War of Kings: Darkhawk. Mighty Avengers #27 will also tie-in to the event - the beginning of a new arc in the series dealing with a character named The Unspoken, his return to Earth and impact on the cosmos.
Romance E-Books & Harlequin E-books
Hi Friends, I shall be uploading my collection of Harlequin / Romance / Mills and Boons / Silhouette in this thread. Had one running, but somehow got trashed. So re-starting the same. Heres the first one!
18redJude Deveraux Twin of Fire

While dreaming of practicing medicine, Blair falls in love with her placid sisters fiance, himself a doctor. Blairs impetuous spirit has won her a medical degree in a mans world -- and captured Lee Westfields heart. But even as the couples ardor grows, there are nights when Lee disappears only to return exhausted, haunted. His silence imperils their love, but the truth would imperil her life.
Twin of Ice

Happily betrothed to Dr. Lee Westfield, Houston is every bit the good girl she was raised to be. So when faced with Kane Taggerts brash marriage proposal, Houston is outwardly shocked. But beneath her gracious demeanor lies a woman of hidden longings -- and her defenses begin to melt the second this rugged stranger touches his hungry lips to hers.
Sweet Liar

Sweet Liar tells the story of Samantha Elliot and Michael Taggart, whose first encounter in the courtyard of Mikes New York City townhouse is the sexiest kiss either of them has ever experienced, and whose relationship from that moment on is just as stormy and exciting.

The plot of this Yuletide confection revolves around a passionate fling that erupts by chance between wealthy young Hollander \"Holly\" Latham and mysterious Nick Taggert when they meet at the site of an old plantation. Holly, who inherited a passion for restoring old homes as a teenager -- the same year she fell in love with Lorrie Beaumont -- has persuaded her parents to buy the Spring Hill Plantation, a property that has seen better days. But Hollys interest in restoring the plantation is surpassed by her desire to rekindle a relationship with her new neighbor, Lorrie. Nick Taggert, a handsome doctor masquerading as a trucker, is hiding out from the aftermath of a bad breakup by riding a motorcycle and staying in a friends garage in the area. The two first meet when Holly falls into an old cistern, and Nick comes to her rescue. But nothing is what it seems to be in this romance with a dash of mystery and threat. Are the money and status that Lorrie offers enough to make Holly turn her back on the powerful attraction she feels to Nick? The love triangle comes to a peak on a tumultuous Christmas Eve. Ginger Curwen
18redJude Deveraux Twin of Fire
While dreaming of practicing medicine, Blair falls in love with her placid sisters fiance, himself a doctor. Blairs impetuous spirit has won her a medical degree in a mans world -- and captured Lee Westfields heart. But even as the couples ardor grows, there are nights when Lee disappears only to return exhausted, haunted. His silence imperils their love, but the truth would imperil her life.
Twin of Ice
Happily betrothed to Dr. Lee Westfield, Houston is every bit the good girl she was raised to be. So when faced with Kane Taggerts brash marriage proposal, Houston is outwardly shocked. But beneath her gracious demeanor lies a woman of hidden longings -- and her defenses begin to melt the second this rugged stranger touches his hungry lips to hers.
Sweet Liar
Sweet Liar tells the story of Samantha Elliot and Michael Taggart, whose first encounter in the courtyard of Mikes New York City townhouse is the sexiest kiss either of them has ever experienced, and whose relationship from that moment on is just as stormy and exciting.
The plot of this Yuletide confection revolves around a passionate fling that erupts by chance between wealthy young Hollander \"Holly\" Latham and mysterious Nick Taggert when they meet at the site of an old plantation. Holly, who inherited a passion for restoring old homes as a teenager -- the same year she fell in love with Lorrie Beaumont -- has persuaded her parents to buy the Spring Hill Plantation, a property that has seen better days. But Hollys interest in restoring the plantation is surpassed by her desire to rekindle a relationship with her new neighbor, Lorrie. Nick Taggert, a handsome doctor masquerading as a trucker, is hiding out from the aftermath of a bad breakup by riding a motorcycle and staying in a friends garage in the area. The two first meet when Holly falls into an old cistern, and Nick comes to her rescue. But nothing is what it seems to be in this romance with a dash of mystery and threat. Are the money and status that Lorrie offers enough to make Holly turn her back on the powerful attraction she feels to Nick? The love triangle comes to a peak on a tumultuous Christmas Eve. Ginger Curwen

RELEASE NAME....: FoED.Getting.StartED.With.Windows.7.Nov.2009.eBook-ELOHiM RELEASE DATE....: Today FORMAT..........: PDF LANGUAGE........: English
RELEASE NAME....: FoED.Getting.StartED.With.Windows.7.Nov.2009.eBook-ELOHiM RELEASE DATE....: Today FORMAT..........: PDF LANGUAGE........: English
Deadpool - Merc with a Mouth [Marvel Comics]
Deadpool - Merc with a Mouth 01
Deadpool - Merc with a Mouth 02
Deadpool - Merc with a Mouth 03
Deadpool Merc with a Mouth 04
Deadpool - Merc with a Mouth 05
Deadpool Merc with a Mouth 06
Deadpool Merc with a Mouth 07
Japanese Is Possible - Learn Japanese Language
blue18Japanese Is Possible - Learn Japanese Language

Getting started Getting and staying motivated Getting the books you need Learning the spoken language Learning the written language (when the time comes) Learning Japanese on a tight budget Finding Japanese language resources on the vast Internet Getting free Japanese word processor software Getting a really good computer dictionary - for free Using many different resources, to make learning Japanese fun Finding things you can do - easily - to speed up the process Finding the best way for you learn
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Getting started Getting and staying motivated Getting the books you need Learning the spoken language Learning the written language (when the time comes) Learning Japanese on a tight budget Finding Japanese language resources on the vast Internet Getting free Japanese word processor software Getting a really good computer dictionary - for free Using many different resources, to make learning Japanese fun Finding things you can do - easily - to speed up the process Finding the best way for you learn
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Neil Gaiman - Sandman --- COMPLETE & EXTRAS
The Sandman is a comic book series written by Neil Gaiman. Published in the United States by DC Comics for 75 issues from 1988 until 1996, it was one of the flagship titles of DCs Vertigo imprint, and is currently kept in print as a series of ten trade paperbacks.
It is widely considered one of the most original, sophisticated and artistically ambitious comic book series of the modern age and is the only comic book to ever win the World Fantasy Award.[/i By the time of the series conclusion, it had made significant contributions to the artistic maturity of English language comic books and become a pop culture phenomenon in its own right.
Setting[/i The story-lines primarily take place in the Dreaming, Morpheuss realm, and the waking world, with occasional visits to other domains, such as Hell, Faerie, Asgard, and the domains of the other Endless. Many used the contemporary United States of America and the United Kingdom as a backdrop. The DC Universe was the official setting of the series, but well-known DC characters and places were rarely featured after 1990, with one exception: Lyta Hall, formerly Fury of the 80s super-team Infinity Inc., figures prominently in the \"Kindly Ones\" story arc. John Constantine and Doctor Destiny are also key characters in two of the early issues. And in the final volume, Superman, Batman, and the Martian Manhunter all have a very brief cameo. Most of the storylines take place in modern times (presumably the late 1980s and early 1990s), but many short stories are set in the past, taking advantage of the immortal nature of many of the characters, and deal with historical individuals and events.
Protagonist[/i The protagonist of Sandman is Dream, the immortal anthropomorphic personification of dreams and story telling. He is known by an array of names, most often Morpheus, but also Oneiros, Lord Shaper, Lord Kaickul, Lord LZoril, the Prince of Stories, the Carrion King, and, rarely, \"The Sandman.\" He is one of a family of seven siblings known as the Endless, each of whom personifies some aspect of reality, such as Death or Desire.
Comic books[/i The Sandman is one of the most widely respected English language comic book series of its time, finding recognition not only within the comic book industry but in the general literary world. It is generally ranked among such works as Alan Moore and Dave Gibbonss Watchmen, Frank Millers Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Art Spiegelmans Maus in terms of critical acclaim and its conferring of respectability on comics. The Sandman supported the notion that comic books could be high-quality literature or art even in a long-running series. Although The Sandman existed within the world of the superhero genre (DC characters such as Doctor Destiny, the Justice League, and John Constantine occasionally interacted with Morpheus, and characters like Green Lantern and Batman were seen in cameos), most of the main characters (save Lyta Hall and Daniel Hall) have no direct connections with it. Factual persons such as William Shakespeare, Emperor Norton and Mark Twain also made appearances. The first third of the series somewhat conformed to the horror genre, but it later grew into an elaborate fantasy series, incorporating elements of classical and contemporary mythology. The series is occasionally labeled as \"Sophisticated Suspense\", a small genre that also includes Swamp Thing (particularly after Alan Moore took over writing it in the 1980s), and Jamie Delanos Hellblazer. The Sandman also demonstrated that non-superhero comic books could be successful. Along with Alan Moores Swamp Thing stories, Sandman helped establish \"sophisticated suspense\", a genre which is meant for older readers, includes elements of horror and fantasy, and tackles controversial topics. Sandman was one of the original Vertigo comics, an imprint which specialized in this genre and published some of the most acclaimed series of the 1990s, including Preacher and Animal Man. The Sandman also strengthened the importance of the writer in comic books. Before Sandman, writers were often overshadowed by superstar artists such as Todd McFarlane and Jim Lee. Gaiman became one of the most popular comic book creators of the era (launching his career as a novelist). The series paved the way for the long-form but finite comic book series as multi-layered serial fiction. Like a novel, and unlike all but a few prior comics series, The Sandman told a single complete story over seventy-five issues with a beginning, middle, and definitive end. Yet the book was also composed chiefly of a handful of story arcs that also moved from commencement to conclusion on a smaller scale, and these arcs consisted of individual issues of the magazine which themselves followed a finite narrative line within the context of the larger work surrounding them. Since The Sandman, this format has become increasingly popular and a staple of DCs Vertigo imprint, e.g., Grant Morrisons The Invisibles, Brian Vaughans Y - The Last Man Vaughans Ex Machina from DCs Wildstorm imprint, Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Rissos 100 Bullets, the aforementioned Preacher, James Robinsons Starman and the Lucifer series by Mike Carey, (a Sandman spin-off) have incorporated similar styles.
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Windows 7 Bible
Windows 7 Bible

Filename: Windows7bible.pdf Pages: 1251 Download:
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Filename: Windows7bible.pdf Pages: 1251 Download:
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[RS]PacktPub - Building Websites with VB.NET n DotNetNuke 4
DotNetNuke is an open-source Content Management System and web application framework. DotNetNuke has taken the Microsoft world by storm and now at version 4, its community has grown to over 200,000 users. This book covers virtually everything you need to know to get your DotNetNuke website up and running. Concisely written and with clear explanations, this book is covers installation, administration, deployment, site creation and all of the basic built in DotNetNuke modules. For developers, chapters on the core architecture, skinning and custom modules, including coverage of the DAL+, give you the skills to customize and extend your site. The book starts off by giving you a deep understanding of working with basic DotNetNuke sites, guiding you through the features and giving you the confidence to create and manage your site. After that, you will journey to the heart of DotNetNuke, and learn about its core architecture. Always concise, relevant and practical, you will find out what makes DotNetNuke tick, and from there, you will be ready to customize DotNetNuke. Developers will enjoy the detailed walkthrough of creating a new custom modules. Special emphasis is given to the DAL+, an extended feature set of the DotNetNuke Data Access Layer (DAL). You will see how to create custom modules with the DAL+, and invigorate your module development. Web designers will enjoy the material on skinning, helping them to create a new look for their site. You will learn about creating new skins, and packaging them up for easy deployment. You will master all of this as you leap into the development of a DotNetNuke 4 site.
Macworld - January 2010
Macworld - January 2010

English | PDF | 105 pages | RS & HF | 36.3 Mb Download:
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English | PDF | 105 pages | RS & HF | 36.3 Mb Download:
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PC Magazine Feb 2010
PC Magazine - SIZE: 25 MB
Osprey - Aircraft of the Aces
Mustang Aces of the Eighth Air Force (Aircraft of the Aces 1)
ISBN13:9781855324473 no pswd
Bf 109 Aces of North Africa and the Mediterranean (Aircraft of the Aces 2)
ISBN13:9781855324480 no pswd
Wildcat Aces of World War 2 (Aircraft of the Aces 3)
ISBN13:9781855324862 no pswd
Late Mark Spitfire Aces 194245 (Aircraft of the Aces 5)
ISBN13:9781855325753 no pswd
Mustang Aces of the Ninth & Fifteenth Air Forces & the RAF (Aircraft of the Aces 7)
ISBN13:9781855325838 no pswd
Graphic Design Portfolio-Builder-Adobe Photoshop+Illustrator
24blueGraphic Design Portfolio-Builder - Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Projects 24redINFO As the first Photoshop and illustrator guide to focus on building a design portfolio, this book fills a hole in designers bookshelves. Each chapter contains a lecture and project on a graphic design topic -- from logo design to magazine layout. Self-paced, self guided instruction is all well and good, but at the end of the day, most people could use a little feedback - especially when theyre ready to build a design portfolio and hit the job market. Not to worry, this book provides actual instructor feedback along with the self-paced, individualized instruction in Photoshop and Illustrator that designers need. Written by the faculty of New York-based, accredited online design school, the book uses the schools trademark project-based curriculum to teach essential design concepts with Photoshop and Illustrator. After a brief intro to the world of graphic design, the Sessions instructors provide quick \"refresher course\" chapters on the two programs. Then, armed with Photoshop and Illustrator basics, readers tackle a series of projects involving logo design, magazine layouts, illustrations, poster design, digital imaging, book cover design, packaging design and more. Best of all, readers have access to all of Sessions online content and instruction-which means they can participate in real classroom instruction. They can even get expert feedback from faculty by posting their work on the site.
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Brainteasers & Puzzles #1
blue18Brainteasers & Puzzles #1

The selection of brainteasers and puzzles. This book consist of all your favorite logical puzzles - Crosswords, Sudoku, Kakuro, Wordoku, Hitori, Hashi, Kenken and picture puzzles. You can print out these puzzles and play them using a pen and paper.
The selection of brainteasers and puzzles. This book consist of all your favorite logical puzzles - Crosswords, Sudoku, Kakuro, Wordoku, Hitori, Hashi, Kenken and picture puzzles. You can print out these puzzles and play them using a pen and paper.
Warcraft Millionaire + Dereks Gold guide WOTLK!
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Astrophysics & Geophysics Books Collection
Astrophysics & Geophysics Books Collection ( Total ~50 Books + National Geographic - The Universe Map ) English | PDF | 538.85 MB
Astrophysics :
Astronomy : 1. Astronomy - Principles and Practice 4th ed. - A. Roy, D. Clarke 2. High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy - F. Halzen 3. Idiots Guide to Astronomy 2nd ed. - C. dePree, A. Axelrod 4. Minding the Heavens - The Story of Our Discovery of the Milky Way - L. belkora 5. Philips Atlas of the Universe, revised edition 6. Phillips Astronomy Encyclopedia, revised 7. TextBook on Spherical Astronomy 6th ed. - W. Smart, R. Greene
Black Hole : 8. An Introduction To Black Holes Information And The String Theory - Susskind, Lindesay 9. Black Holes - Don Nardo 10. The Galactic Black Hole Lectures on General Relativity and Astrophysics - Falcke, hehl
Celestial Mechanics : 11. The Foundations of Celestial Mechanics - G. W. Collins
Cosmology : 12. An Introduction to cosmology, 3rd Ed Roos 13. An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology 2nd ed. - J. Islam 14. An Introduction To Modern Cosmology 2d ed Liddle 15. An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology - D. Raine, E. Thomas 16. Astrophysics & Cosmology - J. Garcia Bellido 17. Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure - A. Liddle, D. Lyth 18. Cosmology. The origin and evolution of cosmic structure - Coles P., Lucchin F. 19. General Relativity and Cosmology for Undergraduates - J. Norbury 20. Modern cosmology - S. Bonometto 21. Neutrinos in Cosmology - A. Dolgov 22. Origins - The Quest for our Cosmic Roots - T Yulsman 23. Particle Astrophysics- D.Perkins 24. Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology Linde 25. Principles of cosmology and gravitation - Berry M. 26. Quantum Cosmology And Baby Universes - Weinberg, Piran 27. Relativity, Space-Time And Cosmology Wudka 28. Relativity, thermodynamics, and cosmology - Tolman R.C. 29. The First Three Minutes - a modern view of the origin of the universe - S. Weinberg 30. The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System Woolfson 31. The Physics Of The Early Universe Papantonopoulos 32. Weak Gravitational Lensing - M. Bartelmann, P. Schneider
General Astrophysics : 33. Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics - Nature Publishing 34. Handbook Of Space Astronomy And Astrophysics 2d ed- Zombeck 35. Introduction to Space Physics - M. Kivelson, C. Russell 36. Planetary Science - The science of planets around stars - G. Cole, M. Woolfson 37. Turbulence and magnetic fields in astrophysics - Falgarone, Passot
Radio Astronomy : 38. Radio Basics of Radio Astronomy for the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope
Stellar Astrophysics : 39. The Fundamentals Of Stellar Astrophysics - Collins G. W. 40. The Virial Theorem in Stellar Astrophysics - G. W. Collins
Geophysics : 41. AGU Ref Shelf 1 - Global Earth Physics A Handbook of Physical Constants - T. Ahrens 42. AGU Ref Shelf 2 - Mineral Physics and Crystallography - T. Ahrens 43. AGU Ref Shelf 3 - Rock Physics and Phase Relations - T. Ahrens 44. Dictionary of geophysics, astrophysics, and astronomy - Dipak Basu 45. Field Geophysics - John Milsom 46. Image Estimation by Example - Geophysical Sounding - J. Claerbout 47. Mineral Physics And Crystallography, Handbook Of Physical Constants Ahrens 48. Theory of the Earth - D. Anderson
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One Week Marketing with PotPieGirl
18darkblueI know a lot of people on WBB have asked for it, so here it is. red
20This is a sensiz exclusive release. The original post is here, anything else is an imitation.
darkblue18More info on the One Week Marketing Plan:[/u
20What you get --
The One Week Marketing Guide - The OWM plan, laid out in full. Described in detail, everything you need to do - Its almost as simple as plug-and-play.
The One Week Marketing Action Plan - Theres no need to keep fumbling through the OWM Guide as youre ready for the next step. The OWM Action Plan takes the Guide and splits it into daily step-by-step, easy-to-accomplish goals, that way you never feel overwhelmed.
The One Week Marketing Mind Maps - If youre a visual learner, then the OWM Mind Maps are just for you. See the whole plan at a distance and know how each piece builds upon the other, giving you total clarity as you move forward through the OWM plan.
The One Week Marketing Checklists - Theres no need to worry about confusion, as the checklists ensure that you always know exactly where youre at, and what you need to do next.
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Strobist - Photography
Beautiful Quiltagami
Beautiful Quiltagami : New Ideas for Fabric Folding by Mary

English | 132 pages | JPG | 10.74 MB A book as popular and well-reviewed as \"Quiltagami\" (1-4027-0859-9) cries out for a sequel - and here it is, with 19 new and exciting projects that range from animal purses to scrapbook wall hangings. This fun craft combines quilting with origami, and has intrigued needle-workers eager to add new techniques to their repertoire.
English | 132 pages | JPG | 10.74 MB A book as popular and well-reviewed as \"Quiltagami\" (1-4027-0859-9) cries out for a sequel - and here it is, with 19 new and exciting projects that range from animal purses to scrapbook wall hangings. This fun craft combines quilting with origami, and has intrigued needle-workers eager to add new techniques to their repertoire.
A Pasta cook Book Format pdf and word
A Pasta cook Book Format pdf and word

A Pasta cook Book All the pasta recipes You ever need Format pdf and word
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A Pasta cook Book All the pasta recipes You ever need Format pdf and word
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Awaken Your Interior Designer
Awaken Your Interior Designer

Awaken Your Interior Designer uses style information as a reference tool to help you make great decorating decisions. It also offers techniques showing how styles can be mixed together effectively. In Awaken Your Interior Designer, youll find extended information for these and hundreds of your other decorating questions. The answers here have been condensed, but everything is covered further in the book.
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Awaken Your Interior Designer uses style information as a reference tool to help you make great decorating decisions. It also offers techniques showing how styles can be mixed together effectively. In Awaken Your Interior Designer, youll find extended information for these and hundreds of your other decorating questions. The answers here have been condensed, but everything is covered further in the book.
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[Multi] Advanced Mathematical Concepts: Precalculus
Info: # Hardcover: 983 pages # Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Glencoe (March 2006) # Language: English # ISBN-10: 0078756308 # ISBN-13: 978-0078756306
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Osprey - Fortress 83 - Roman Auxiliary Forts
Roman Auxiliary Forts 27 BC - AD 378 (Fortress 83) By Duncan B. Campbell, Brian Delf Publisher: Os Publishing 2009 64 Pages ISBN: 1846033802 PDF 29 MB With the vast expansion of the Roman Empire came a need for more and more fortifications to defend it. The borders of the Empire stretched through wildly different terrains which demanded a huge variety of different fortifications, depending on the local conditions and the threats faced by the different areas. The adoption of local troops (auxiliaries) and local building techniques at key strategic points on the outskirts of the empire led to an intriguing mix of strong Roman structure with unique culturally diverse elements. Describing the development of these hugely varied defensive systems, Duncan Campbell delves into the operation and social history behind the fortifications.With detailed colour artwork and maps, he traces their history through the Batavian Revolt of the 1st century AD, which saw auxiliary units scattered far from their native regions, until the decline of the late 3rd and 4th centuries placed their fortifications in an increasingly pressurized and eventually untenable position.
PC World - March 2010 (US)
PC World - March 2010 (US)

PC World - March 2010 (US) English | 108 pages | PDF | 35.70 Mb
PC World - March 2010 (US) English | 108 pages | PDF | 35.70 Mb
[] DIGITAL PHOTO (UK) issue 121, October 2009
blackDIGITAL PHOTO (UK) issue 121, October 2009 Size: 692 MB
black Here is cover CD (not magazine) with all video lessons and templates! Enjoy!
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